Lloyd Park, Coombe Road
Croydon, CR0 5RD
The spiritual development of the pupils at Oakwood forms an integral part of its philosophy of personalised education. Oakwood stresses the primary role parents play in their children’s spiritual development.
Pupils, regardless of their particular religious faith, are encouraged to foster their relationship with God and to develop their spiritual life with a genuine spirit of freedom and commitment. This enables them to be enriched as human beings and to be excellent persons in every sense of the word.
The Religious Education Programme which is offered gives pupils the opportunity to acquire a deep understanding of the Catholic Faith and its practice. Intrinsic to this is the greatest respect for the freedom of consciences.
The Chaplain of the School is a priest of Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Catholic Church. Mass is celebrated twice a week by the School Chaplain. Each class in the main school (Year 1 upwards) is scheduled to attend Mass once a week. Pupils have the opportunity to attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly.
Have a question? We are here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.
020 8668 8080
147 Central Hill
Crystal Palace
London SE19 1RS