Lloyd Park, Coombe Road
Croydon, CR0 5RD
We consistently perform very well in The Times Top Prep Schools and currently sit at 21st in the UK.
Pupils achieve very highly in academic performance targets such as SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) each year.
In May, the Year 6 pupils take SATs tests in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) and Maths.
The majority of our pupils sit either, or both, 11+ Grammar School and Independent School exams. Our
destination schools
demonstrate how well they perform.
% met expected level | National average | % at higher level/greater depth >110 | National average | |
Reading | 100% | 73% | 56.25% | 27% |
GPS | 100% | 78% | 50% | 36% |
Maths | 95.75% | 79% | 50% | 27% |
In all 3 subjects | 93.75% | 65% | 37.5% | 11% |
Children in Years 1-6 complete termly NFER standardised assessments. Children in Reception complete BASE assessments at the beginning and end of the academic year.
Due to COVID 19 SATs were suspended in May 2020 and May 2021 hence the next update will be provided as and when these tests re-commence
Have a question? We are here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.
020 8668 8080
147 Central Hill
Crystal Palace
London SE19 1RS