Lloyd Park, Coombe Road
Croydon, CR0 5RD
Character education underpins the rigorous academic programme and quest of our school to nurture and develop the individual child.
Our aim is that our pupils live truly fulfilled and happy lives. We offer a service to parents so that their children become young men and women of virtue and integrity.
The essence of character education lies in equipping children with the freedom to make the right choices for the right reasons; This ultimately leads to a sense of purpose and deep personal fulfilment.
The consequences of action or inaction.
The ability to make wise choices and judge correctly.
The ability to exercise self-discipline in many ways.
Personal strength & perseverance in worthwhile things.
At Oakwood, we teach a weekly Character Development lesson, centred around aspects of a particular virtue which then permeates all areas of school life that half term. Our individual tutorial system serves to personalise this growth in virtue, by helping each child individually to put their own resolution into practice and so, systematically grow towards becoming a better person.
By working with parents, we aim to empower children to become competent, responsible and considerate young people, who are happy to be themselves; we consider education in virtue to be part of a first class education.
The development of the Four Core Human Qualities through which character is forged are pivotal to our ethos.
Have a question? We are here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.
020 8668 8080
147 Central Hill
Crystal Palace
London SE19 1RS