Lloyd Park, Coombe Road
Croydon, CR0 5RD
We will share with you the great task of educating your children in the Catholic faith and ensure that a rich Catholic ethos imbues the entire life of the school.
We have an uncompromising commitment to personal academic, cultural and sporting excellence.
We will support you in the shared endeavour of raising children of whom you will be proud.
Our philosophy of education at Oakwood School is based on a ‘character first’ approach.
A ‘character first’ approach means we strive to develop in children those qualities of greatness that will enable the achievement of academic potential and also help them develop in all aspects of their lives at school and into adulthood.
At Oakwood, we offer a service to parents to help them form their children, so that they grow up to be outstanding young men and women. This vision is underpinned by three fundamental commitments:
An uncompromising commitment to personal, academic, cultural and sporting excellence.
Children follow a unique programme of character development based on a Christian vision, tailored to the needs of each child via the personal tutorial system.
A practical working partnership with the family of each child, where parents and teachers share the endeavour of raising children who can fulfil their potential and become responsible members of society.
The government set out its definition of ‘British values’ in the ‘Prevent Duty’ (2015), which was designed to prevent the extremism and religious radicalisation of young people.
At Oakwood we recognise the importance of helping students to flourish not only academically but also spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, so they are fully prepared for life in British society and for their role as citizens, able to make the strongest possible contribution to society and to the common good of all. We teach the importance of British Values by going much deeper into the meaning of what it means to live a good life, within a framework of Catholic Christian Values. This provides the context and meaning for understanding why British values are important. Our framework for understanding British values draws on the example of Jesus’s life and teaching, his respect for and inclusion of all individuals.
Oakwood provides an education which focuses on the formation of the whole person and on our vocation and purpose in life. We are guided by our school motto In Gaudio Serviamus – may we serve joyfully, and by the Christian values of respect, compassion, co-operation and stewardship as we reflect on our place and purpose in the world. We place a significant emphasis on our calling to work in the service of others, celebrating individuality and difference within our communities. Our Catholic ethos, which includes explicit reference to Christian and British values, makes a tangible difference to the way we work together and in our wider communities. Within this framework it would be impossible to overlook the government’s view of British values expressed as ‘democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.’ The examples that follow are an indication of some of the many ways we seek to embed British values at Oakwood School.
Have a question? We are here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.
020 8668 8080
147 Central Hill
Crystal Palace
London SE19 1RS