Lloyd Park, Coombe Road
Croydon, CR0 5RD
Children are taught Geography as part of the Humanities curriculum by their class teacher. The curriculum chosen aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
The children meet the National curriculum requirements via topic based work. The children receive visitors to support their learning, in areas of understanding like map skills, and participate in themed days to bring the wider world to their classroom.
Amongst other things, KS1 pupils cover the seasons, life in cities, the Arctic and make initial enquiries into map making.
In KS2, children engage in a knowledge rich curriculum covering locational and place knowledge via local and international case studies. Human and physical geography is addressed via climate, biomes, rivers and migration.
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020 8668 8080
147 Central Hill
Crystal Palace
London SE19 1RS